Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE

Living with your mistakes is harder than you think... Wear your safety gear.

Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE

11.0 Surveying Safety: Geophysical, Geochemical and Line Cutting



Many detailed ground geophysical or geochemical surveys are contracted out to specialists, often

with a mineral exploration company geologist onsite to monitor the contractor’s work. An

exploration company should check the contractor’s safety record, including their safety program,

incident statistics, and Workers’ Compensation Board certification or compliance history before

committing to a contract. The contract should contain clauses outlining health and safety

principles and practices to an acceptable level. It is also prudent to check their insurance

coverage. The exploration company must give reasonable information to the contractor regarding

site hazards and environmental issues, which may require a site visit by the contractor before

work commences. The contractor should provide a supervisor who is responsible for compliance

with the authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) such as occupational health and safety (OHS)

legislation and Mines Acts and Regulations. Ideally, the contractor should be familiar with the

area, especially if exploration work is undertaken in a new area or country. Otherwise, more

review detail than normal is required for local health, safety and environmental conditions.

The type of work involving chainsaws and cutting grid lines is often given to employees or

contractors who are local to the project – for example, Aboriginal people. Such employees or

contractors may be familiar with chainsaws but not in the industrial setting and not with strict

health and safety considerations. Companies and project managers need to develop education

systems to educate such local employees on safe practices rather than assuming that, because

they have used chainsaws in their everyday life, they do so safely. Given the high level of comfort

of such people with the bush or field environment, appreciation of their bush skills, as well as

safety requirements of the workplace, need to be handled with sensitivity.


11.1 General Risks and Hazards Associated with All Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE


Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE Most of the risks and hazards encountered while surveying are associated with the local terrain,

weather and climate, the means of transportation used to access the survey area, and the degree

of remoteness where the survey takes place. These risks and hazards are covered in the relevant

chapters of the PDAC Health and Safety Toolkit, particularly in Chapter 6 Safe Traversing

Practices. Cross references are cited throughout this chapter when referring to general risks and

hazards. The risks and hazards specific to geophysical and geochemical surveys or line cutting

are addressed in the appropriate section of this chapter.

Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE Depending on the type of survey, individuals may need to be physically capable of carrying heavy

loads, as some geophysical survey equipment is very heavy, as is the cumulative weight of

geochemical samples collected during a day’s work. Slips, trip, falls and back strains are common

injuries and may be associated with specific terrain (refer to Chapter 6, section 6.4 Traversing in

Specific Terrain). The most serious injuries are usually caused by transportation related accidents

so it is important to follow the safety guidelines in the relevant transportation chapters. Also,

heavy loads should be lifted and carried in a safe manner to avoid back injuries.


11.1.1 Essential Safety Guidelines for All Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE


Employees who conduct surveys should be trained to perform their work safely. New or

inexperienced employees should be teamed with experienced employees who are familiar with

the terrain, climate and equipment. Before experienced personnel begin work in unfamiliar terrain



or a new region, they should receive training to become familiar with risks and hazards of the

terrain, climate and location.

Contractors should provide trained survey crews with written safe operating procedures (SOPs)

that address the specific hazards of survey work. Refer to chapter 6, section 6.3.1, Development

of Safe Operating Procedures, for detailed information regarding safety procedures that should

be in place. Some practices should be carried out each day before a crew starts work. SOPs

should cover, but not be limited to, the following topics:

  1. Training: Survey employees should be trained for the work they carry out and be familiar

with the manufacturer’s safe operating procedures (SOPs) and guidelines in the

instruction manuals that accompany the survey equipment and tools they use.

  1. Tracking system: Develop a tracking system to record where employees are working

each day. Record the planned survey routes or work sites on a centrally located map or

white board at the camp or base. Location updates including changes in plans should be

called in and recorded.

  1. Communications: Develop a communication call-in system to maintain contact with

employees. Employees should carry functioning communications equipment appropriate

for the area. For additional information, refer to Chapter 19 Communications.

  1. Emergency response plans (ERPs): Survey crews should develop ERPs that address

site specific risks and hazards and potential injuries associated with specific surveys,

terrain and the degree of remoteness. When a contractor’s employees are based at a

project site, the ERP for survey crews should be integrated with the exploration project

ERPs. For additional information, refer to Chapter 3, Emergency Response.

  1. Tool and equipment check: Before departing for work, each survey crew should check

their equipment. They should have: (a) all tools, fully charged communication and

navigation equipment with spare batteries; (b) required personal protective equipment

Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE including bear spray, as appropriate; (c) suitable clothing for the weather and

potential changes; and (d) appropriate survival kits and first aid kits. If conditions are dry,

carry fire suppressant materials when using tools or survey equipment that could start a

fire (e.g., chainsaw, small generator or electrical equipment).

  1. Transportation: Crews should perform an inspection check of their mode of

transportation to make sure it is in good working order and all equipment is present.

Refer to the appropriate inspection and equipment sections in chapters 13 Vehicles; 14

All-Terrain Vehicles; 15 Snowmobiles; and 17 Boats, Canoes and Inflatables. When

using air support, refer to chapter 16 Aircraft and follow the SOPs regarding aircraft, the

pilot’s orders, and hold special briefings as required.

  1. Supervision: Workers should receive appropriate supervision in the field while

performing surveys.

  1. Working alone: Follow the regulations of the authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) to

protect the health and safety of workers. Develop and implement the required SOPs if it

is necessary for employees to work alone. Refer to section 2.1.1 Working Alone vs. the

“Buddy System”.


11.1.2 General Explorations And Survey Engineering PPETips


Weather related risks: Be fully prepared for the local weather and climate. Carry a

suitable survival kit, extra water and food, etc. Wear appropriate clothing and carry rain

gear and extra clothing in case you become stranded and must spend a night away from

camp. Lightning can be a serious risk depending on the location and especially when

carrying out electrical surveys. Be prepared and follow lightning safety precautions



including the 30-30 rule (see below, bullet point number 5, in section 11.2.2). For

additional information, refer to Chapter 8, Survival, and sections 9.2 Lightning, 9.9.3

Hypothermia, and 9.10.3 Hyperthermia.

Personal protective equipment (PPE): Required PPE will vary depending on the risks

and hazards of each type of survey and the terrain. Safety glasses should be required for

most surveys. It is usually advisable to wear high visibility vests. Hearing protection may

be required (e.g., when using a chainsaw). Wear gloves to protect hands from cuts and

infections. Refer to section 4.2 Hazard Control and Personal Protective Equipment.

Footwear: Wear leather boots that provide good ankle support and traction appropriate

for the terrain. It is advisable to wear waterproof boots when working in extremely wet

areas and heavy, insulating boots during very cold weather. As stable footing is very

important, appropriate high quality boots may be considered PPE by some companies.

Refer to section 6.3.5 Clothing for information regarding footwear.

Footing and balance: Carrying heavy equipment or samples hinders good balance. Be

vigilant when traversing cut lines and/or climbing over logs or debris. Because some

surveys are carried out along straight lines, it may not be possible to avoid difficult and

sometimes dangerous terrain (e.g., cliffs, swamps). While trees and brush are usually cut

down to ground level, stubs or “pungies” may remain if the ground was snow-covered

when the lines were cut. It is easy to trip over them and get cut or impaled, especially

when carrying a heavy pack or surveying equipment.

Snow and ice: Follow all appropriate precautions when working on snow and ice. Refer

to section 6.4 Traversing in Specific Terrain and Chapter 15 Snowmobiles for information

regarding appropriate safety equipment and routines. Section 15.11 contains important

information about self rescue after falling through ice.

Be critically aware of fire risks. Carry appropriate fire extinguishing equipment,

including: a fire extinguisher, extinguishing powder, water and/or a small shovel when

using gasoline powered machinery (e.g., chainsaws, generators, brush cutters, power

augers). Keep the exhaust area clear of vegetation and place hot machinery on bare rock

so it will not start a fire. Always observe fire bans.

Wildlife and insects: Where bears are a hazard, be trained in bear safety procedures

and carry appropriate deterrents including bear pepper spray. Be aware of potential

fauna at ground level. Watch out for signs of bees or wasps which often build nests in the

ground. Do not place your hands where they might be bitten by a venomous snake or

stung by scorpions or insects. When working in insect infested areas and using insect

repellent, avoid applying it to your eyes and mouth. Do not overuse repellent as it is

absorbed through the skin. Be vigilant when wearing head nets as they restrict your

range of vision. Follow medical advice regarding the use of anti-malarial medications and

avoid mosquito bites when working where malaria and other serious insect-borne

diseases are present. For detailed information, refer to the relevant sections in Chapter

10 Wildlife, section 12.8.4 Protection from Insect Bites, and information regarding

relevant diseases in sections 12.8.5 and 18.6.5.

Audio entertainment equipment: In general, it is not good practice to allow employees

to wear personal electronic music devices with headphones or earplugs (including iPods)

when working. Headphones or earplugs interfere with the ability to clearly hear directions

via radio communication, noise due to machine malfunctions and dangerous wildlife, etc.

Survey completion: When a survey is completed remove all equipment, including wires.

Fill in holes if they present a future tripping hazard to workers or to animals.



11.2 Explorations And Survey Engineering PPESafety

Exploration programs often involve airborne and/or ground geophysical surveys to assess

economic potential or define the features of ore deposits. When geophysical surveys are

conducted with fixed wing aircraft or helicopter support, employees should follow the SOPs and

guidelines in Chapter 16 Aircraft.

These guidelines cannot address safety issues for airborne geophysical surveys in any detail. In

general, safety regarding airborne surveys relies on the safe practices of charter airlines and

pilots. It is important for survey employees to communicate their survey requirements and never

push pilots to fly when conditions are not safe. Employees or equipment operators should always

speak up if they have a question regarding safety or a procedure that potentially affects safety.

The companies involved in airborne geophysics have developed their own safety guidelines.

They are available on the International Airborne Geophysics Safety Association (IAGSA) website

at: http://www.iagsa.ca/Contract_Annex990325.pdf

Occasionally borehole geophysical surveys are carried out in conjunction with drill programs.

When these surveys are performed, employees should also follow the relevant guidelines found

in Chapter 20 Drilling Sites.

Section 11.2 of this chapter primarily covers safety information specifically related to ground

geophysical surveys. All geophysical survey crews should be familiar with the general guidelines

in sections 11.1.1 and 11.1.2 and relevant information in Chapter 6 Safe Traversing Practices.


11.2.1 Specific Risks and Hazards Associated with Geophysical Surveys

Slips, trips and falls caused by rough terrain, slippery surfaces, balance problems from

carrying heavy equipment or backpacks

Electric shock caused by poor communication with the operator, not following SOPs, wet

ground, lightning storms

Injuries or death caused by accidents when travelling by vehicles, ATVs, snowmobiles,

boats or aircraft

Impact injuries and cuts caused by the misuse of tools such as mattocks, shovels,

mechanical augers, post hole drills

Back strains and injuries caused by carrying heavy survey equipment, carrying heavy

backpacks, improper lifting techniques

Fires caused by short circuits in electrical wires or equipment such as generators,

explosives, improper fuelling procedures or spills, carrying insufficient fire extinguishing


Hypothermia caused by working in cold weather conditions, effects of wind chill, wearing

inadequate clothing, dehydration, exhaustion

Water-related risks include drowning and cold water immersion hypothermia caused by

falling into water during dangerous stream crossings, breaking through ice

Health risks from diseases and infections caused by contact with contaminated water or

soils containing parasites, viruses and bacteria



11.2.2 Field Safety Tips for Geophysical Surveys

Electrical Surveys Methods

In  Explorations And Survey Engineering PPEThe most hazardous geophysical surveys are those that employ electric current, which includes

induced polarization (IP) surveys and electromagnetic (EM) surveys. The set up for both is

similar, as long lengths of wire are laid down in a designated area and readings are taken when

the wire is pulsed with electricity from a generator.

IP surveys have potentially more serious risk of injury than other geophysical surveys due to the

use of high voltage electric current. Surface electromagnetic (EM) surveys, also known as ground

pulse electromagnetic or fixed loop EM surveys, use lower voltages and therefore do not usually

present the same degree of risk of electrocution to the operators. Even so, all employees who

participate in surveys using electricity should receive thorough training in the safe use of survey

equipment. It is imperative that all employees who operate transmitters are fully aware of the

hazards associated with the use of high voltage equipment.

Companies that conduct electrical surveys should develop and implement specific SOPs in

addition to the general guidelines recommended in section 11.1.1.


Explorations And Survey Engineering PPEThe following guidelines apply to both IP and EM surveys:

  1. Emergency response plans (ERPs)

All field personnel should be familiar with first aid for electrical burns and how to

respond to a co-worker who may be electrocuted.

Take appropriate fire precautions as the equipment used in electrical surveys can

cause a fire if the equipment malfunctions or overheats. Wires may become hot

due to poor contact with electrodes or if they become detached and lie in direct

contact with the ground. Fire extinguishing equipment must be present where a

transmitter uses a motor generator.

  1. Safety procedures for survey layouts

In Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE If working in a populated area, post the survey site, date and time at central

locations to notify the public (e.g., post office, community centre, grocery store).

Hire “sentries”, as required, to supervise all electrical equipment, especially

exposed wires and electrodes. Curious children and people are highly vulnerable

to serious injury.

Place “High Voltage” signs on any unsupervised geophysical electrode sites that

carry high voltage or currents exceeding the milli-ampere range. Place signs in

populated areas where electrodes are out of sight and use sentries, as needed.

When pulling electrical wires and cables across terrain, it is advisable to pull it by

hand or use a snowmobile or 4-wheel ATV (rather than a motor bike). Before

pulling, carefully check the wire or cable to be sure it has no kinks or knots and

very few splices, as these may catch on roots etc. Do not drag wire. If the cable

breaks while being pulled, it will stretch first and then whip back at the driver

when it breaks.

Place wire where it will not harm people or animals. Place it on the ground with

sufficient slack so it stays on the ground. Make sure wires are placed so

domestic animals will not be harmed.

It is advisable to bury cables and wires where they cross trails or paths,

especially if they are heavily travelled routes. Bury them out of sight and anchor



them solidly on either side of the route. When crossing a paved road, secure wire

to the asphalt with fencing staples or other secure means in at least three places.

If burying is not possible, it is imperative that wires or cables are solidly anchored

on each side of the trail, path or road. In all situations, wire should be secured

and flagged on both sides of a trail, path or road for 6 metres with flags placed

every 0.5 metres. In addition, the wire should be marked with flagging where it

crosses roads or paths to provide additional visibility in case it still rises up. If an

animal, person or vehicle contacts and lifts or drags the cable or wire, it will

tighten and rise up across a road or path unless it is solidly anchored. A raised

wire can seriously injure or even decapitate someone passing on bicycle, snow

machine, ATV etc.

Contractors should maintain a record of the amount and location of the wire

deployed and removed. When a survey is completed, inspect the wire insulation

for breaks and damage when picking up wire. Repair damage or replace the wire

as necessary. Using damaged wires increases the likelihood of someone

receiving an electric shock.

  1. Safety procedures for handling wires that may carry electric current

Do not hold the ends of a transmission wire in each hand, as your body will

complete a circuit if the current is turned on.

Do not touch any exposed metal of any potentially energized transmission wire.

Follow correct safe methods when making temporary field splices.

Beware of wet wires. It is possible to receive an electric shock if there are breaks

in the wire’s plastic casing where the wire passes through a puddle of water.

  1. Radio communication protocol

Develop a very clear radio protocol to indicate “power on” and “power off” to avoid shock

and the potential electrocution of a worker handling the wires. The generator operator

must never apply electrical current to grounded wires or ungrounded loops of wire unless

he or she notifies the rest of the crew and receives confirmation that they know the

system will be energized. “Confirmation” means a clear, positive verbal response usually

sent over a radio. An arm wave and/or two clicks of the radio microphone do not qualify

as confirmation, as they are both signals that can be easily misunderstood.

  1. Lightning safety

Take extreme precautions whenever a lightning storm approaches. Refer to section 9.2

Lightning in chapter 9 of the health and safety toolkit for detailed information and

references about lightning safety. Survey crews need to be aware of the weather around

them while working. When a storm approaches:

Immediately cease all operations. When thunder is first heard, shut off all power

sources and disconnect all wires and cables from the instruments. Do not

attempt to collect any wires or cables. Lightning can travel more than a kilometre

along wires. Lengths of wire or large loops may have very high voltages induced

by a lightning strike a long distance away; this is not only dangerous, it can also

destroy equipment.

Move all personnel and easily portable instruments to a sheltered location,

preferably a safe shelter or a field vehicle. If it is necessary to remain outdoors,

do not seek shelter under a tall tree. If working on high ground, attempt to move

to a lower elevation. Avoid areas of tall metallic objects (e.g., power lines,

antennas, drill rigs).

  1. Additional safety tips for electrical survey methods

Be sure the transmitter power is off except when actual measurements are being

made. Always verify that the power is off before you remove or connect

electrodes, change personnel on a task, or attempt any field repairs. Do not

move a generator while it is turned on.

Inspect the transmitter and generator for damage and loose components each

day before work. If IP or loop wire must remain in place beyond the time required

for the survey, they should be monitored regularly to make sure they remain in a

safe position on the ground. Where IP wires or loops are not safe, corrective

action should be carried out immediately. Keep records of any inspections of the

IP wires or loops noting their condition, the condition of posted signs and other

safety concerns.

Watch your footing and take care when lifting geophysical equipment because it

is often very heavy. Use correct lifting procedures found in section 4.3 of chapter

4, Lifting and Back Protection.

In addition to regular Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE, it may be advisable to wear nonconductive electric

shock resistant boots. Avoid wearing steel toed boots, as they are more

conductive than regular leather boots.

Ground Magnetic Surveys

Although most magnetic surveys can be done by one person, it is not advisable for surveyors to

work completely alone. It is much better to work in pairs along parallel lines within shouting

distance of each other in case problems develop.

To avoid falls that may result in serious injury or damage to equipment, try to make the

magnetometer as streamlined as possible (e.g., taping cables). By preventing tangles,

the equipment is less likely to get hung up on vegetation during survey traverses.

The check-in schedule should take into account the fact that the radio will probably be

turned off to diminish noise. It is advisable to develop and adhere to a suitable check-in

schedule with either an end-of-line or a designated time for the check-in.

To counteract noise, carry metal objects in exactly the same place every day (e.g., keep

the can of bear spray on your right hip and the pen in your left pocket). While surveyors

try to carry as little metal as possible, it is still essential to carry PPE. If working in bear

country – do not leave your bear deterrents behind.


Gravity Surveys

Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE Survey crews with several people carry out this type of survey. As precise determinations of all

coordinates including elevation are essential, two surveys are usually done at the same time –

the precise surveyed location as well as the gravity measurement.

Follow company and site specific SOPs for the type of terrain and transportation used.

Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE Pay attention to fire prevention if a car battery or a small generator is used for a power

source at the GPS base station.

Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE- Seismic Surveys

Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE Employees who carry out seismic surveys should be competent and fully trained. If explosives

are used, obtain appropriate permits and make sure blasters have proper certification.

Handle and store explosives according to requirements of the authorities having

jurisdiction (AHJs). Transport explosives according to dangerous goods requirements.

Refer to section 21.6 Explosives for additional information, located in chapter 21.

Most shallow holes used to contain explosives are dug by hand so employees should be

trained to use their tools safely and keep them in good working order.

Wear appropriate PPE when using tools and equipment, which may include ear

protection from noise as well as eye protection, good footwear and high visibility vests.

Develop a protocol to make sure the area is clear before a blast takes place.

If seismic surveys use truck mounted drill rigs, refer to Chapter 20 Drilling Sites for

specific information regarding safe drilling guidelines.


Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE Ground Penetrating Radar Surveys

Ground penetrating radar is useful for locating underground power lines, pipelines and cables.

Follow traversing SOPs and general safety guidelines. No specific risks are involved with

techniques or equipment used in these surveys.


11.3 Geochemical Survey Safety

Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE and Geochemical surveys usually involve collecting samples at regular intervals either along streams

or in a grid pattern on land. Although each sample may be small, the accumulated weight and

volume can result in an employee carrying a very heavy backpack. Learn as much as possible

from knowledgeable local people about specific risks and hazards so crews are prepared,

especially for stream sediment surveys.

Specific Risks and Hazards Associated with Geochemical Surveys

Back strains and injuries caused by lifting heavy samples, heavy backpacks, using improper

lifting techniques

Slips trips and falls caused by rough ground, wet and/or slippery surfaces, wearing footwear

with poor traction, balance problems from carrying heavy equipment or backpacks

Hypothermia caused by working in cold wet weather, effects of wind chill, wearing inadequate

clothing, dehydration, exhaustion

Impact injuries caused by the misuse of tools such as mattocks, shovels, mechanical augers,

post hole drills

Health risks include diseases and infections caused by contact with contaminated water or

soils containing parasites, viruses, and bacteria

Water-related risks include drowning and cold water immersion hypothermia, which may be

caused by falling into water while sampling, attempting dangerous stream crossings, when

working from boats, when water is a greater depth than anticipated

Injuries or death caused by accidents when travelling by vehicles, ATVs, snowmobiles, boats

or aircraft


11.3.1 General Prevention and Preparation

All Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE And geochemical survey crews should be familiar with the relevant safety routines, guidelines

and tips found in sections 11.1.1 and 11.1.2 and in Chapter 6 Safe Traversing Practices.

Back care: Collecting silt and mineral samples is strenuous work. Use correct lifting

procedures and properly constructed backpacks. Carry loads that are appropriate for

your personal strength and physical size; do not overload your backpack or show off. Get

help if you need it. Refer to chapter 4, section 4.3 Lifting and Back Protection.

Footing: It is easy to lose your balance when wearing a heavy pack. To prevent slips,

trips and falls, watch your footing at all times, especially late in the day when you are

tired. Boots should have high grip soles for work on slippery surfaces (e.g., rounded or

algae covered rocks). In some wet terrain it may be advisable to wear rubber boots or

use caulks (replaceable steel spikes screwed into the soles of special boots).

Tools: Use mattocks, shovels, picks, etc., correctly. Use caution when traversing so you

do not fall on them.


Wear gloves to protect your hands. Geochemical sampling may expose your hands to

soils with disease causing organisms and it is easy for cuts to become infected. Soilborne diseases include but are not limited to: hookworm, tetanus, histoplasmosis, and

numerous fungal diseases. Make sure tetanus immunizations are up-to-date.

Animals and insects: Be aware of potential fauna at ground level. Watch out for signs of

bees or wasps, which often build nests in the ground. Do not place your hands where

they might be bitten by a venomous snake or stung by scorpions or insects. Digging up

samples may disturb them. In bear country, be equipped with bear deterrents and pay

attention to your surroundings. Sampling is quiet work so make sufficient noise to avoid

startling a bear. Wear bright rather than dark clothing to avoid being mistaken for animal

prey, as you appear smaller when sampling low to the ground. Refer to the relevant

sections of Chapter 10 Wildlife.

Transportation risks: Follow general and site specific SOPs that address the

appropriate transportation risks. Refer to the guidelines sections in the relevant chapters.

Figure 11.2: Geochemical samples are often small. Wear gloves to protect your skin. © Erika Tamboline


11.3.2 Stream Sediment Surveys

Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE :Working near streams can be extremely dangerous. Fast flowing currents can sweep a person

away if they fall in or lose their footing. Stream sediment surveys may require sample collection

and/or panning the heavy minerals to form concentrates. These surveys often require the worker

to collect samples while standing in water. Sampling may take place in various fluvial

environments – fast flowing water, glacial outflow streams, or wide braided streams or rivers with

gravel bars, slow meandering streams etc. Access may require helicopters, rafts, walking through


mud or swamps, or negotiating slippery boulders and/or steep outcrops. Lichen covered rocks

and logs are particularly hazardous. Water may be colder and deeper than anticipated.

Cross references: Everyone conducting stream sediment surveys should be familiar with the

relevant information in the following chapters and sections of the e3 Plus health and safety toolkit:

o Chapter 6 Safe Traversing Practices, especially section 6.4.5 Traversing Safety

Regarding Streams, Rivers and Lakes

o Chapter 9, section 9.9.3 Hypothermia

o Chapter 10 Wildlife

o Chapter 17 Boats, Canoes and Inflatables, especially section 17.12.3 Cold Water

Immersion Hypothermia

Specific Risks and Hazards Associated with Stream Sediment Sampling

Drowning or cold water immersion hypothermia caused by falling into water from stream

banks, boats, attempting a dangerous stream crossing, not wearing a PFD

Slips, trips and falls caused by wet, slippery or rough ground, wearing inadequate


Stranding caused by impassable streams or weather, transportation fails to return

Health risks include diseases and infections caused by contact with contaminated water

containing parasites, viruses, and bacteria

Foot disorders caused by standing in water for long periods of time

Preventions and Precautions

In Explorations And Survey Engineering PPEThere are additional risks and hazards associated with stream sediment surveys and panning

sampling methods.

Working alone: IN Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE When following a grid line, sediment sampling can be done alone

although it is much safer practice to work with a partner. Rather than each worker

sampling a separate grid line alone, it is preferable to work in pairs and “leap frog” past

each other by collecting the sample at every other site. This way, workers are in constant

contact. If this cannot be done, employees working on parallel grid lines should be in

regular and frequent radio contact if they are not actually in sight of each other. Site

specific SOPs should be implemented regarding working alone.

Hypothermia: Standing in water for long periods of time can increase the chances of

developing immersion foot or hypothermia during cool weather.

o Dress to stay warm and dry.

o All employees who risk falling into cold water should receive training and

understand the importance of: (1) wearing a personal flotation devise (PFD), (2)

how to work at self rescue, and (3) how to treat a hypothermia victim.

Hyperthermia: When working in very warm climates, try to work in shade, use sunscreen

and keep hydrated. Create your own shade, if necessary. Take special care of your feet

to prevent fungal diseases, which are common when feet are wet for long periods of time.

Transportation: Some surveys may require access by helicopter or boat.


o Aircraft: Choose drop off locations carefully when using helicopter support. The

water may be deeper, swifter, and/or colder than anticipated. A helicopter should

never depart before the survey crew members are safely on shore when the

landing site is a bar or an island. Check for the presence of bears before landing,

if appropriate. Carry survival equipment in case the transportation cannot return

as planned. Follow SOPs and guidelines in chapter 16 Aircraft.

o Boats: Use appropriate sized boats for the task when working on rivers and

streams, lakes or oceans. Follow safe boating procedures and guidelines.

 Wear a life jacket or personal flotation device (PFD) when working on

water. Due to “cold shock”, wearing a PFD is your most important means

of defence against drowning and cold water immersion hypothermia.

 Line (haul) boats, canoes and rafts through rapids.

 Be especially careful to avoid sweepers (trees fallen into a river). If a raft

flips against a sweeper, it is almost impossible to rescue the occupants if

they are thrown into the water.

Stream crossings: Plan surveys to avoid crossing streams, especially where flowing

water is deeper than mid-calf.

o If stream crossings are absolutely necessary, plan them carefully. Carry and use

appropriate safety equipment (e.g., rope, PFD). Fast flowing water as deep as

the knees can easily sweep people away if they fall in or slip. Be familiar with

safe methods to cross streams and wear a PFD if there is a chance of falling in.

o Wear a PFD or use a safety belt and line even when working near fast flowing

waters or where banks are steep or slippery.

o Stranding: It is possible to become stranded if stream waters rise suddenly. Carry

sufficient survival gear in case it is necessary to spend a night away from camp.

It is better to remain out overnight than risk a dangerous stream crossing.

o If flash floods are a hazard, seek local knowledge and heed weather forecasts

regarding flood warnings. By studying topographic maps it may be possible to

determine potential emergency exit routes from narrow gorges. Refer to chapter

9, section 9.5 Floods, for additional information and appropriate precautions.

o If sampling in agricultural areas where fences frequently cross streams,

especially near roads, never climb the fence to cross the stream. It is

surprisingly easy to end up tangled upside down with your head submerged with

a resulting high risk of drowning.

o Swampy meandering streams are difficult to work in. Carry a stout stick and extra


o In some places it is advisable to check with knowledgeable local sources

regarding the possible presence of quicksand.

Health risks: Depending on location, the water you must work in may carry diseases –

whether they are streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, tailings ponds, or surface runoff from

storms, etc.

o Waterborne diseases include but are not limited to: giardiasis, schistosomiasis,

cholera, hookworm, typhoid, leptospirosis and various forms of dysentery. Wear

rubber gloves and avoid touching your face and mouth.

o Insect-borne diseases include: West Nile virus, malaria, dengue fever and yellow

fever. In addition there are diseases carried by ticks and various flies (tsetse flies,

sand flies).


o Foot disorders: Usually, feet will be wet for long periods of time. Depending on

the climate, feet may be subject to immersion foot if they are continuously cold

and wet or fungal diseases if they are continuously warm and wet. Wear

appropriate boots and change socks frequently. Make sure your feet are dry and

warm at night. Follow good foot hygiene to prevent “foot rot”. Refer to chapter 9,

section 9.9.6 Immersion Foot.

o Tailings ponds may contain toxic chemicals that can cause illnesses.

o Refer to chapter 12, section 12.8.5 and chapter 18, section 18.6.5 for information

regarding specific diseases.

Animal and insect risks:

o Reptiles: Know what snakes live in the region and the relative risks from them.

Most are harmless and should not be destroyed due to personal fears. Learn

about their habitat, where, and when to expect them. Most snakes swim when

necessary and water is the preferred habitat of some snakes (e.g., water

moccasins, water cobras, anacondas). Some present more risk than others,

especially if the species is aggressive or temperamental (water moccasins,

anacondas). Crocodiles: Follow safe guidelines where crocodiles pose a danger

to humans.

o Insects: Increased numbers of mosquitoes are usually present near water. Some

insects such as blackflies that transmit river blindness (onchocerciasis) may be

found almost exclusively near water.

o Leeches: Depending on the location, they may be a potential problem, as

infections may develop where they have pierced the skin.

o Refer to chapter 10 Wildlife for additional information.

Clothing and PPE: Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE Protect your body from cold water and infections.

o Wear appropriate boots – rubber boots are a minimum. Depending on the water

depth, it may be appropriate to wear hip waders, but be aware of the risks of

wearing high waders and falling into swift flowing water. If they fill with air it may

be impossible to right yourself, which increases the risk of drowning.

o Gloves: Heavy waterproof rubber gloves are recommended. Check frequently for

pinhole leaks and replace them immediately when they leak, especially if

waterborne diseases are a risk.

o Carry extra socks and/or dry inserts for boots when your feet are frequently

immersed in water. Use inserts on alternate days so they dry out.

o Waterproof clothing or rain gear: Carry good rain gear to help stay dry. Refer to

section 6.3.5 Clothing in chapter 6 for tips regarding appropriate fabrics and



11.4 Line Cutting Safety

Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE Cut line or picket grids are used for control for some geophysical and geochemical surveys. A cut

line or picket grid is normally established from a base line with a series of cross lines spaced at

specific intervals. Base lines may be surveyed in or laid out on a specific compass bearing. Cross

lines are normally established perpendicular to the base line and tie lines are sometimes used to

ensure greater accuracy of the grid. Lines are usually cut using axes or machetes and chainsaws.

In areas with no forest, picket stakes can be used to mark a survey grid. Crews that cut lines

should work as a team and not alone. As their work often requires felling large trees, it is

imperative to watch out for the safety of co-workers. Workers should follow written safe operating

procedures (SOPs) for falling and bucking, as required by the authorities having jurisdiction


The type of work involving chainsaws and cutting grid lines is often given to employees or

contractors who are local to the project area – for example, Aboriginal people. Such employees or

contractors may be familiar with chainsaws but not in the industrial setting and not with strict

health and safety considerations. Companies and project managers need to develop education

systems to educate such local employees on safe practices, rather than assume that because

they have used chainsaws in their everyday life that they do so safely. Given the high level of

comfort of local people with the bush or field environment, an appreciation of their bush skills, as

well as safety requirements of the workplace, need to be handled with sensitivity.

Use of geophysical equipment with built in GPS (Global Positioning System) units are reducing

the requirement for cut lines, especially for surveys that use magnetometers, etc. Soil

geochemistry surveys require fewer cut lines when surveyors carry handheld GPS units. Where

no cut lines are used, technical survey crews should exercise greater care when travelling across

the ground. The preferred approach to geophysical and geochemical surveys is one that avoids

line cutting, where possible. This is largely for environmental reasons. For the same reason, it is

also preferable to minimize the width of cut lines and minimize felling of larger trees. The


objective should be to make the line sufficiently safe for the technical crew that will follow, but at

the same time maximize the chance for the native vegetation to recover and reclaim the land.

Chapter 5 Field Equipment Safety contains information regarding the safe use of implements and

equipment commonly used for field work. Please refer to section 5.6 Chainsaws in chapter 5 for

details regarding chainsaw, tree felling, bucking and limbing safety. This information is placed in

section 5.6 because working with chainsaws and tree felling is also done by company employees

at project and camp sites.

Specific Risks and Hazards Associated with Line Cutting

Line cutting is frequently done during winter months which can increase risks and hazards. Risks

and hazards include but are not limited to:

Severe injuries or death due to:

o Chainsaw accidents (often due to kickback), which may result in cuts,

lacerations, or amputations

o Being hit by falling trees or bucked sections of logs

o Inability to correctly assess trees before cutting due to poor visibility (wind, fog,

rain, snow)

Slips, trips and falls due to:

o Rough or unstable ground

o Dangerous terrain such as cliffs, swamps, steep slopes

o Ice and snow-covered ground

o Inadequate footwear

o Unstable body position while cutting trees or clearing brush

Back strains and injuries due to working in awkward body positions while cutting

Cuts, blisters, lacerations from using hand tools

Transportation accidents due to:

o Excessive speed while travelling by vehicles, ATVs, snowmobiles, or boats

o Inadequate training for the mode of transportation

o Using an inappropriate mode of transportation for the terrain or ground conditions

Hypothermia, frostbite may develop due to exposure to cold temperatures, the effects of

wind chill, dehydration, exhaustion, and/or wearing inadequate clothing, .

Wildlife and insect risks include attacks from large animals such as bears and cougars,

and bites and stings from snakes, insects, and scorpions etc.

Water-related risks include drowning and cold water immersion hypothermia due to falling

into water, attempting dangerous stream crossings, breaking through ice

Preventions and Preparations for Cutting Lines

Line cutting crews should be familiar with the relevant safety routines, guidelines and tips found in

sections 11.1.1 and 11.1.2 and general safe field practices refer to Chapter 6 Safe Traversing



Survey crews should follow essential pre-job tool and equipment checks before departing

for work each day. Properly maintained tools help prevent accidents.

Line cutters should not work alone. A “cutter” and a “brusher” are a team. They should

travel to and from the work site together and should always be within visual and shouting

distance of each other during line cutting operations.

Training: Employees should be trained to use surveying, cutting, and clearing tools

properly and maintain them in good condition. Use appropriate sheaths to store and

transport axes, machetes, knifes, brush hooks and other sharp tools. This can prevent

injuries when the tools are carried by hand. Refer to Chapter 5 Field Equipment Safety

regarding specific tools.

Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE: Line cutters must wear additional PPE due to specific risks and hazards associate

with chainsaws and felling trees.

o In addition to safety glasses, line cutters should wear high visibility hard hats with

ear defenders (ear muffs) and a face shield, high visibility vests, gloves, steel

toed boots or caulked boots. Caulks (replaceable steel spikes screwed into the

soles of special boots) offer much better traction than ordinary soles when

working in wet forests or other slippery conditions. Caulk boots may be made of

leather or rubber.

o Chainsaw operators should wear chainsaw pants or chaps, which are designed

to slow the cutting action of the blade should the chainsaw kickback or slip and

hit the operator in the leg. They should cover as much of the leg as possible but

not impede movement.

Line cutting crews need to know the purpose for cutting the lines in order to use the

proper survey standards. Some surveys have different clearance width requirements. For

example: electrical survey methods require thorough clearing to avoid wire and

equipment hang ups, while some lines may only need minimal clearing and blazes on

trees to be acceptable.

Location: Employees working on established cut lines or picket grids should understand

the layout of the grid and its orientation to keep track of their location. If the grid is

accessed by a trail, whether on foot, by ATV, snowmobile or other means, all persons

working on the grid should know the grid coordinates where the access trail enters the

grid so they can return to the access trail at the end of the day. Mark the access trail to

the grid clearly with flagging tape, cairns or other means.

Marking coordinates: Carefully mark both the base line and the tie line coordinates. Use

the appropriate method to mark the survey coordinates of each station, which may be

with pickets, tags, flagging tape and/or tree blazes. Prepare a plan map showing the grid

and coordinates. It is not advisable to use fire to burn lines even though it may be

common practice in some localities.

Cut off saplings, trees and stumps at ground level to avoid creating stubs or “pungies”

that become a tripping or impaling hazard. Trim overhead vegetation to reduce the

hazard of protruding branches, which may cause eye injuries. Stubs can cause tire

damage to equipment such as ATVs. At the same time, try to leave as much as possible

of the root systems of the plants, as that way the recovery will be maximised.

Brushers and other crew members must stay at least two tree lengths away during falling

operations. The cutter must check the area and not begin cutting until everyone is out of

range. Keep onlookers away from the cutting site and work areas.

Firearms: Where bears are a hazard and it is deemed necessary to carry a firearm, the

persons who have permission to carry and use firearms must have all required training


and certification. In Canada, only people who have a Possession and Acquisition Licence

(PAL) and who are both competent and confident should have permission to use a

firearm. Refer to chapter 10, section and chapter 18, section 18.2.2 for additional

information regarding the use of firearms.

Cutting Tracks or Grids with Heavy Equipment

Using heavy equipment to cut tracks is generally not advisable due to the potentially severe

environmental impact caused by the equipment. If using heavy equipment is unavoidable:

Discuss the safety aspects of working in difficult terrain with operators before work begins

(e.g., slopes, cliffs, swamps).

Only experienced and certified operators should operate heavy equipment.

Keep workers on foot and keep light vehicles away from heavy equipment. Use barriers

when possible. Workers on foot must not turn their back on moving heavy equipment

when they are working in an area with no separation.

Refer to chapter 21, section 21.3 Heavy Equipment for additional information regarding

safe operating procedures and the use of heavy equipment.

Our base of loyal and Local clients has been consistently growing over the past Six Years



Twipake Limited specializes in providing top-quality Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

to ensure safety in various work environments. Here’s an overview of the services we offer:1.ppe protection 2.body protection 3.respiratory protection 3.fall protection 4.foot protection 5.hand protection 6.hearing protection 7.eye and face protection 8.heat protection 9.gas protection 10.head protection 11.chemical protection and 12.lock out and tag out protection

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Certainly! Twipake Limited is dedicated to providing top-quality Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as our core service. Here’s how we ensure safety and reliability:
1.Supply of Safety Equipment:We specialize in supplying essential safety gear, including:Safety Helmets , Safety Uniforms, Safety Boots and Other Safety Items(From gloves to eyewear, we cover all safety essentials_
2.Expertise and Trust 3.Efficient Wardrobe Management 4.Stylish Stitches and New Designs 5.Quality Assurance:

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Effective best services
We provide delivery of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Twipake Limited, we prioritize safety and convenience for our customers. Our core service includes efficient delivery of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Here’s how we ensure a seamless experience:

1.Timely Delivery 2.Customized Solutions 3.Safety Gear at Your Doorstep 4.Compliance and Reliability 5.Customer Satisfaction:

    • Your satisfaction matters to us. We strive to exceed your expectations with hassle-free delivery services.
    • Focus on our core business while we handle the logistics.
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Effective best services
We povide support for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

However! At Twipake Limited, we take pride in providing comprehensive support for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Here’s how we ensure a seamless experience for our customers:1.PPE Sales and Delivery 2.Warranty and Replacement 3.Customer Satisfaction:

    • Your safety and satisfaction are our priorities.
    • Contact our support team for any PPE-related inquiries or assistance.

For all your safety needs, trust Twipake Limited – your partner in protection!

Services | Our services | Twipake Services Wet Weather Jacket Ppe
Discussion of the Idea Identification of the Need
Customers initiate a conversation with our team to discuss their safety needs.
During this phase, we identify the specific PPE requirements based on the customer’s industry, workplace hazards, and employee roles.
Handcrafted templates and send of Quotation
Our team prepares customized quotation templates based on the discussed PPE needs.
These templates outline the recommended safety gear, quantities, and associated costs.
Customer Provide Purchasing Order
Upon reviewing the quotation, the customer confirms their order by providing a formal purchasing order. This order includes details such as item codes, quantities, delivery address, and any additional specifications.
Process The Order then shipping and Delivery
Twipake Limited processes the order, ensuring accurate item selection and availability.
We arrange for shipping and delivery of the Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE directly to the specified address.
Our goal is to provide timely and efficient service, ensuring that the customer receives the necessary safety gear promptly.


TWIPAKE LIMITED is the leading distributors, Agent and supplier of quality TRu safety products, Force360 and Bata Industries For Explorations And Survey Engineering PPEin Tanzania and All East Africa (EA) Countries Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Congo and Burundi.

TRu Brands | Head to Toe Safety Solutions , Bata Industrials Australian Footwear | TRu BrandsForce360 Gloves & PPE Safety Solutions | TRu Brands  , BBF Safety Group (Pty) Ltd  and Honewell Brands

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We deal with All Kind of PPE Protection you can see or services on the Below: –
Body Protection | Respiratory Protection | Fall Protection | Foot Protection | Hand Protection | Hearing Protection | Eye And Face Protection | Heat Protection | Gas Protection | Head Protection | Chemical Protection | Lock Out And Tag Out Protection | PPE Tools And Accessories

Our Products are from Leading International PPE Brands We are Main Agent of  Tru , Force360 and Bata Industries In Tanzania and East Africa: –
Tru | Bata Industries | Force360 | Honeywell | Optrel | Regeltex | BBF | Nikki | Bova | Vaultex | CAT | 3M Safety | Deltaplus | Checkpoint Martins | Vehicle Safety Flags | Granite Workwear | Drager Graeger | Wilhelmsen | Jonsson | Alcohol Breathalysers | MTS | Red Wings | Workland Safety | MSA

Twipake is The Leading Suppliers of Personal Protective Equipment, Our PPE Main Categories are: –

Further More In Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE tools and Safety Gear We have Customers from different categories and the different category of   Safety PPE Tools used: –
Safety Tools PPE | Industrial Safety PPE | Contractor Safety PPE | Mining Safety PPE |ICT Networking And Telecom Engineering PPE | Oil And Gas PPE | Security and Guard PPE | Electrical Engineering PPE | Civil and Construction Engineering PPE | Shipping, Marine and Fishing Engineering PPE | Explorations And Survey Engineering PPE | Mechanical Engineering PPE | Hospitality & Hotel Safety PPE | Tour Guide Safety PPE | Clinical, Health & Hospital Safety PPE | Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | Safety Gear PPE

Our PPE International Recognized Brands: –
Tru | Bata Industries | Force360 | Honeywell | Optrel | Regeltex | BBF | Nikki | Bova | Vaultex | CAT | 3M Safety | Deltaplus | Checkpoint Martins | Vehicle Safety Flags | Granite Workwear | Drager Graeger | Wilhelmsen | Jonsson | Alcohol Breathalysers | MTS | Red Wings | Workland Safety | MSA

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